reviews are coming in, too!
Hey, hey, good things are afoot in the kingdom of Igor. That would be my kingdom. I’ve just realized I have several new reviews on, in addition to the dot com site. Always a pleasure to see someone commenting on your work, in a simple, honest way, especially if the simplicity and honesty lean toward a favorable outcome. What’s more, one of the reviews was written within the framework of my Ubuntu smartphone contest thingie, so it is nice to see this little community effort coming along and taking shape, speed and publicity. Anyhow, this brings the total tally for mid-May, roughly a young since the book was published, to 29 reviews, with an average score of 4.3. Not bad.
Anyhow, here’s a quick except of what they had to say:
A depth of character very rarely seen today, very easy to emphasise with them. The story has a very good plot, with several decent characters. Unlike some modern fantasy that tries to be too clever for its own good, this story has enough just the right blend of intrigue & adventure. Out of all the books I have read in the last six months, this one by far deserves a mention.
And one more – with a beautiful dose of criticism, just as I like it:
He’s successfully done what most of us would love to be able to do and created a whole world from scratch, with a wealth of colourful if not always likeable characters and cultures. My only criticism is the sometimes awkward use of language, betraying the fact that English isn’t his first language. This does sometimes ruin an otherwise absorbing part of the book, often pulling me out of the world I’ve been enjoying and bringing me back into the room with a bump.
That would be all. See ya! Stay tuned. The Broken is just around the corner.