Last six chapters, who dies?

Last six chapters, who dies?

Well, well. I am in the process of writing the last six chapters in the fourth and final book of The Lost Words series. As you imagine, the plot is very much complete, but that does not mean all the stories have been fully resolved yet. In fact, there is still time to kill a few more of the main characters. That’s a must, no?

Last chapters, teaser

So what I’d like to ask you is, who do you want to see killed off? Either a protagonist or one of the less important characters that may have pissed you off. Sure, you will be basing your experience on the first and the second book only, and you will assume that I haven’t yet decided to kill these characters myself. But no matter. Comment away, and I will see what I can do. In the worst case, it will be a pointless exercise in aggression and love. Now, there’s a chance that none of you will find this little article interesting, or even bother reading and responding, so I just may end up Forever Alone. But that’s a risk I’m willing to take. Anyhow, your ideas please, and be quick.