The Humbled, soon soon everywhere

The Humbled, soon soon everywhere

Hello guys. Here’s a quick update. The Humbled is almost ready. There is still some work left to be done, and I will have to re-read the final proof one more time, and fix all the little spelling errors that sneak in ever so, ahem, sneakily, but we’re coming ever closer to the publication date. To wit, the fine and new and all dandy cover.

The Humbled, ready cover

This is it. I think it’s the best cover of the four, and it’s a fitting work of art for the final volume in The Lost Words series. Yes, for anyone wondering, the series is ending. There shall be no more. You will not have to wait for three decades to finally figure out what’s happening. It’s done. So it’s just a matter of body count and who gets to live to see the last page. Hi hi. Stay tuned for updates, fellas.