The new fantasy book is 85% done
It’s happening. I’m very close to finishing the new old fantasy book! After twenty years and two failed rewrite attempts, this third endeavor is finally bearing fruit. I found the right formula. Rather than trying to fix the old, clunky, ponderous manuscript, I’m writing a brand new book, with brand new words. Only the original idea (mostly) remains the same. In fact, even though this book will “only” stretch some 150,000 words, less than a quarter of the original version of mine, it’s still more fun, has more detail, more character development, better pacing, better everything.
Well, I ought to be done in about a month or so. Probably less, as I’ve got just 7-8 chapters to write. Once I complete the manuscript, I’ll let it rest for a bit, and then figure out the best time to publish it. As I already have several ready books in my publication pipeline, just waiting to be unleashed unto my reading audience, it might be a while before this new novel sees the light of the day.
And here’s another piece of good news – I have a great name for the book. The old name, which I won’t spell out here, was predictably ponderous. The new one, it’s solid, it’s evocative, and it focuses on a key element of the story. Or rather, the key elements.
The name? Stay tuned … for an update, the book’s name isn’t stay tuned.
See you around.