10 years of Dedoimedo … and free books
Shiver me timbers. Today, Dedoimedo celebrates 10 fine years of operation. Neat. Smooth. In fact, so smooth, he’s a smooth operator. In the past decade, this site has loaded some 70 million pages to its unsuspecting readers, offering knowledge and humor, mostly the former. Time to celebrate. So what’s in there for you?

Free books, my lovelies. 10 years, 10 days of free books. The Lost Words novels will be available for grabs on Amazon in the following fashion in the coming two weeks or so: The Betrayed, 1 day, The Broken, 2 days, The Forgotten, 3 days, The Humbled, 4 days. Get it? So symbolic. Sweet. Oh, don’t forget the Ubuntu tablet competition. Have fun, and may we enjoy many more decades together.