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Tag: amazon

How to Make Your Career Suck Less has been published

How to Make Your Career Suck Less has been published

Hear, hear! I am happy to announce the publication of my latest nonfiction, tech-related book. It comes with a snarky title How to Make Your Career Suck Less. Or, in other words, A Guide to a Less Painful IT Existence. This book is a culmination of some twenty years of my fairly successful work in the tech industry, where I’ve faced many an absurd situation, hordes of yesmen, tons of bureaucracy, and heaps of nonsense. And I bet, if you work in the tech space, you’ve experienced it all, too.


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Prince Dietrich, free books deal

Prince Dietrich, free books deal

Now that my most fabulously named gunpowder-and-humor trilogy Woes & Hose is complete, it is, it is, a time of moderate gift bestowement is upon us. With the holidays round the corner and such, I thought it would be prudent to temporarily offer the first book in the trilogy, The Amazing Adventures of Dashing Prince Dietrich, for free. How free, and when free?

The Amazing Adventures of Dashing Prince Dietrich

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Prince Dietrich 3 has been published, the trilogy is complete

Prince Dietrich 3 has been published, the trilogy is complete

Dear readers, it is with great relish that I’m writing today’s post. There’s a new book out there, and ’tis fantastic! I have published the third and the last volume in my gunpowder-and-humor-drenched trilogy, Woes & Hose. To wit, The Daring Adventures of Amorous Prince Dietrich brings to conclusion the merry and wicked escapades of our beloved and deeply misunderstood anti-hero, the dashing, the glamorous and the amorous Prince Dietrich. As it happens, this book is also my twentieth publication, in the span of just ten short years.

The Daring Adventures of Amorous Prince Dietrich

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Decay and Darkness ACX promo codes giveaway

Decay and Darkness ACX promo codes giveaway

Folkses. Readers. I have a fun bundle for you. In my posession there be 100 codes for Audible nooks, 50 each for Decay and Darkness, respectively, and then 25 each for the US and the UK Audible marketplaces. And since I already know what’s happening in the books, on account of me having written them, duh, I don’t need these codes, and I want to give them away!

Decay, Darkness, side by side

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Big holiday season sale and promo: Free giveaways and discounts on many of my fiction books

Big holiday season sale and promo: Free giveaways and discounts on many of my fiction books

Ladies and gentlemen, the end of a tumultuous year is just a few days ahead, so perhaps I can sweeten the deal with some fun and non-expensive gifts for you. Starting on December 18 all the way to New Year’s Eve, you can download e-book versions of several of my works, all for free, and then, you also get nice discounts on some others.

Image credits: PublicDomainPictures on

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The Glorious Adventures of Glamorous Prince Dietrich has been published

The Glorious Adventures of Glamorous Prince Dietrich has been published

There are heroes. There are anti-heroes. And then, there’s Prince Dietrich.

Freshly returned to Monrich from his little escapade of war and deception, the newly wed Prince Dietrich—Dick to his friends—just wants to be left alone, so he can gamble, drink and keep on wishing for the early demise of his father. But King Ulaf is having none of it. He has devised a new challenge for his recalcitrant heir: Dietrich must go to Ostfort and assume the wardenship of the palatine. Or else.

What could possibly go wrong?

Well, since it’s Dick we’re talking about…everything. For starters.

The Glorious Adventures of Glamorous Prince Dietrich continues the absurd series of mishaps, accidents, machinations, lies, treachery, lewdness, greed, malice, and mischief that embody our troublesome, misunderstood protagonist.

Glorious Prince Dietrich cover

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What I learned from self-publishing

What I learned from self-publishing

It’s been roughly six years since I published my first paperback – The Betrayed. Although I’ve published books before (technical stuff) in digital format, my official entry into the world of independent authoring, the way people perceive it, started in 2012.

In the past six years, I had a chance to release seven novels, with another five books, bearing my name out either as a primary author or a co-author, also seeing the light of the day in that same period. A nice dozen. That’s a sizable volume of publications, and I believe I can share some of the lessons and insights I’ve learned since.

CreateSpace portal

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CreateSpace is dead, long live KDP!

CreateSpace is dead, long live KDP!

Like many an independent author, I was surprised by the (somewhat) unexpected and for me, rather ill-timed, announcement that CreateSpace would cease its professional services offering. This inopportune change coincided with my imminent decision to publish another book. All of a sudden, I was left in a lurch. Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) was suggested as an alternative, but it’s mostly self work, whereas I really wanted someone else to do the actual editing piece for me. So what now?


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