Decay has been published!
Ladies, gentlemen, zombies et al, it’s alive, it’s alive! Decay, it’s out there. Both paperback and Kindle editions are available, affordably and justly priced. Decay is a first-person zombie-themed novella, told from the perspective of a zombie. Hopefully, it justifies the narrative and the theme.
I’ve never done first person before. Zombies are another first. And telling the story from the perspective of a living dead is yet another novelty for me. Thrice the hype, thrice the risk, but you may yet be entertained. This is the first installment in the Humanz series, or more aptly, Humanz 1.0, one of many to come. If you are interested in reviewing the book, drop me a note, and I will gladly send you a copy. Onwards, readers, onwards!