100 FREE copies of The Betrayed – Goodreads Kindle Giveaway

100 FREE copies of The Betrayed – Goodreads Kindle Giveaway

Several weeks ago, I hosted my first Goodreads Kindle Giveaway with 100 copies of Prince Dietrich. So far, it seems like a valuable experiment. And this is why we’re going to have another giveaway! This time, The Betrayed, the first book in my epic, complete four-part series The Lost Words.

The Betrayed cover

The giveaway starts March 19 and ends April 9. So sharpen up your browsers and practice your mouse clicks. Now, it’s open to Goodreads members in the US only, so apologies to anyone excluded. But I believe the program will (soon) be extended globally. It makes sense, commercially, financially and socially.

If you’re intrigued, do remember that The Lost Words is a complete series, with almost 200 mostly favorable reviews. This is a good opportunity to grab the first title and start your journey. Hopefully, it will be a fun and pleasant one. Take care.