What’s on the writing menu in 2022
Hello there, readers. It’s been a while since I posted an update here. But the lack of visible blog news activity doth not indicate a lack of invisible writing activity (not using the invisible ink, that is). I thought you might want to hear what sort of prose I have for you in the store. After publishing 20 books in 10 years, a nice round number and an awesome milestone altogether, I have no intention of slowing down, and so, let me tell you what you should expect from me in the coming months.
Finishing book series is one of the most important things an author can do. For their own sake, and the sake of their readers! I have already successfully closed the chapter on two series, but there’s one outstanding item left. The third and last volume in my zombie-themed series Humanz, told in first person from the perspective of a zombie. Two books down, one to go. That novella will get written in 2022. Pinky promise.
Military thriller
I intend to offer my weekly serial The Golde Horde as a proper print book. This means putting all of it together, slapping on a nice cover, and Bob’s your uncle. The per-chapter weeklies will remain online, available for free, but for those of you who liked things neat and orderly, there will be a paperback edition available for your enjoyment. A Kindle version, too, because why not. This way, whether you prefer digital or physical medium, e-book or online, you get it all.
I would also like to add that I will most likely publish my “self-help” (using the term loosely, because it’s ME helping YOU book, there’s nothing self about it) career advice book in 2022, too. But that’s not a given. I mean I could, I surely would, but I don’t want to overdo it. I want to keep a nice steady pace of one book per year, perhaps two, but three or more would be too much. After all, publishing book is hard work. Not as arduous as actually writing, but definitely more ponderous. Then again, I wrote the career book in just ten days, and it will definitely take me more than just ten days to publish it.
Some short stories?
This is something I’m considering. It’s been quite a while since I wrote some clever short stories, and it’s time I did it again. There’s a nice, pleasant challenge in putting a complete story in only a handful of words. Unless I start writing a brand-new full-size novel all of a sudden, once I’m done with the third Humanz novella, my focus will be on short stories.
And that would be all!
There. Now you know what I’ll be doing, writing wise. Hopefully, these news bring joy and excitement to your soul. As always, it will be a hectic, busy year for me, full of frenetic typing. I do admit it’s getting harder to find new goals, as I’ve covered so many different topics and genres and writing styles in the past decade, and I don’t like repetition, but I will keep on pushing hard. Who knows, I might even write a book in the detested second person. Anyway, see you around.